Antenna House News

AH XSL Formatter V4.3 MR6 is now available.

Written by Antenna House | January 21, 2009

Bug Fixes

  1. A TIFF image may become coarse when outputting from Distiller.
  2. When ENTITY is defined and expanded with a relative path, an error may occur.
  3. A transparent GIF image is not penetrated in GUI. When the number of colors of a screen is set to 16 bits, a translucent png images is not displayed.
  4. When the documnent is justified and script="Japn"is specified, the interval between texts may spread.
  5. A TIFF file may not be outputted to PDF/PS/SVG correctly.
  6. When 2 pass formatting is specified and Saxon or Xalan is used, a system error may occur.
  7. When multiple fo:region-body and multiple fo:flow are used in fo:flow-map, a system error may occur.
  8. Bold specification may not be processed correctly With SVG output.
  9. Patterns may not be outputted correctly with SVG output.
  10. Even if overflow="condense" axf:overflow-condense="font-stretch" are specified, a line may overflow.
  11. The character width when using axf:alt-glyph is not sometimes correct.
  12. axf:punctuation-trim="end" may not become effective.
  13. When outputting tagged PDF with axf:alttext specified, it may become an error by the Acrobat accessibility check.
  14. If there is fo:basic-link, axf:form-field may not function.
  15. Level=4 and doRender error may occur when formatting data with large size.
  16. When axf:footnote-number is used for the footnote, the appearance order of the footnote text is not sometimes correct.
  17. When compound gliphs exist in compound glyphs, characters may not be outputted correctly.
  18. When formatting data with columns, the page breaks in an unsuitable position.
  19. When the table runs across pages, the contents of table-footer may overlap.
  20. When two or more tables exist, the page break position may become inaccurate and the table may overflow.
  21. When text-align="outside" is specified to fo:table-and-caption inside of fo:block-container, it may not be outputted correctly.
  22. When span="all" is specified to data with float, the content is not split correctly.
  23. When there is float, alignment-baseline="before-edge" may not be processed correctly.
  24. When a tagged PDF is specified and outputted, an error may occur.
  25. Some specific PDF data cannot be displayed or imported.
  26. When creating PDF which has embedded PDF in the Windows64bit environment and opening it by Acrobat, an error may occur.