Antenna House News

Formatter V6.2 MR3 is now available.

Written by Antenna House | August 7, 2014



Support to specify the overflow limit value.iaxf:overflow-limit, etc.j
Add the amount of overflow to overflow warning messages.
Support to specify percentage values with border-radius.


FO - The following issues have been corrected:

Floats disappeared in a block that breaks across columns
Formatting failed when the child of the footnote had float.
The border of a table cell overlapped with the background color. So the rendering order of the table has been changed.
The table row did not fill the available space because of the 'span' option.
inline-container with only inline-progression-dimension.maximum set overflowed.
axf:overflow-condense did not work correctly.
PDF with axf:form-field got an error with XChangeViewer.
When the annotation was specified to fo:inline, an icon of the annotation was displayed on each line.
axf:poster-image used the wrong image file.
The FO caused the Formatter to stop working
The gr width value was affected by the span of the previous block.

CSS - The following issues have been corrected:

When the colon (:) was contained in the value of the id attribute, the link in a PDF document was invalid.
: Wrong fonts were used with target-counter() or counter (pages).
The attr() value did not work for cmyk colors defined with percents(%)
(-ah-)transform-origin "top left" value stopped the transform function.
border radius did not scale large radius.
background repeat did not work with linear-gradient().
linear-gradient() was drawn incorrectly if color-stop values were the same.
repeating-linear-gradient() did not use the alpha value.
The before pseudo element was adding extra white space when used in an absolutely positioned area.
The counter used for chapter numbers was getting incorrectly reset.

Common - The following issues have been corrected:


Palatino Linotype font hyphenation caused the problem and memory leak.
A white space in a line disappeared.
tiff rendered incorrectly when used in a document in Linux.
CGM object was not positioned correctly and dashed lines instead of solid.
Installation was not completed when Adobe "Creative Cloud" has resided in the task manager. Installation was not completed when Adobe "Creative Cloud" has resided in the task manager.
dotnet crashed when setting the printer name.
Crashed when running Formatter multi-threaded on Linux.
Conversion areatree.xml to pdf crashed.
Formatter PDF could not be opened with Acrobat.
The output of mathml failed to convert with ImageMagick
When PDF/A-1a:2005 was generated the result document had validation errors in Acrobat XI.
repeating-linear-gradient() was distorted in the pdf output.
An error occurred with tagged PDF output when PDF was specified as background-image
The "Link - OBJR" item was missing from tagged link items.
PDF files caused error messages when embedded in Formatter output.