Antenna House News

AHPDFXML V2.0 is now available.

Written by Antenna House | June 3, 2017

Antenna House is very pleased to announce the release of our newest tookit, AHPDFXML Conversion Library, designed to unlock the content from legacy PDFs.
AHPDFXML can convert large volumes of PDFs into XML, HTML5, XSL-FO, DocBook, or any other file formats.

The AHPDFXML Conversion Library extracts text, tables and images from PDFs and convert them to an XML format which we call “AHPDFXML”. The data can then be transformed to any desired output by applying XSLT stylesheets. Benefits and uses for XML include:

- Content Re-usability
- Improved Searchability
- Good for Accessibility
- Promotes Interoperability and Data Integration
- Platform Independent
- Vendor Independent

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