Conversion from Word (DOCX)
- Some text was not being output.
- When there were deleted paragraph in the Track Changes, page break
was incorrectly processed. - Border of horizontal columns were drawn vertically.
- Page number on the first line of a page was output incorrectly.
- When a line feed (Shift+Enter) caused a page break, page number was
not updated. - Borders outside of the frame that were not displayed on Word were
displayed. - The position of the text box was overlapped with the text in the
next line. - The start position of index items was shifted.
- Program was failed with the illegal document file.
- String splitting was repeated indefinitely when outputting a "Two
Lines in One". - The row overflowed by the table row height specification was not fed
to the next page. - Position was misaligned because the text was not wrapped around the
Conversion from Word (DOC)
- Text on next page processed as wrap-around because the picture
covers the bottom margin. - Underlined space text was not deleted correctly.
- Track Changes output was not processed correctly.
- Indent position when the first line indent and hanging indent were
specified was incorrect. - The font of the section number in the table of contents was not
reproduced. - Paragraph breaks within a single-column were not processed correctly.
- Position of tables with different page sizes from the previous
section was incorrect. - Fixed processing of pictures with incorrect pattern fill.
- When a single string exceeds one page, the conversion was not
Conversion from Excel (XLSX)
- Text placed in front of the picture was displayed in the back.
Conversion from Excel
- When "Display format fill" and "Shrink to fit" were set at the same
time, cell values were not displayed.
Conversion of MS-Office (Chart)
- File size has increased due to the problems with numerical
conversions in Chart's conversion process. - Fixed so that the title of the horizontal axis of a graph does not
overlap with the legend item when it is in the default position. - The default position of the vertical axis title of the graph was
overlapped with the graph. - Legend items were displayed differently.
- Graph line was not displayed.
- When the vertical axis was hidden, the first main horizontal axis
(horizontal scale line) was not displayed.
Conversion from PDF
- Fixed processing of files that do not finish reading PDFs.
- Check style in "PDF Form" was not displayed correctly.
- "Out of memory" error occurred on conversion of certain files.