Web Interface for OSDC

Program less conversion via the Internet!

About Web Interface for OSDC

Web Interface for OSDC is a convenient software that makes it easy to use the file conversion software "Office Server Document Converter" on the server from distant clients via the Internet. By simply installing the specified program on the server and client computers, you can immediately start using Office Server Document Converter without developing a new program.
Office Server Document Converter V6.1 or later can be used for conversion.


image is a diagram showing various files going into a Web Interface Client. Various ouputs are coming out representing the possible conversions.  from the Web Interface are arrows to the internet and then the Web Interface Server, which uses OSDC and redirects to the Client Computer. This image represents how OSDC offers support with a web interface.


Easily realize web services

Web Interface for OSDC sends requests to the file conversion software "Office Server Document Converter" on the server via the Internet and receives the results at the client. Large-scale Web service systems using the cloud can be easily built.

No special setting is required

Web Interface for OSDC allows you to start using "Office Server Document Converter" immediately by installing the server program on the server side where "Office Server Document Converter" is installed and the client program on the client PC. Client requests are provided as binaries with the same parameters as the "Office Server Document Converter" command line interface. A wide variety of command samples are also available.

NOTE: IP address setting of the Server in the Client software is required.