Upgrading Formatter

Formatter V6 to V7

Formatter customers who have purchased their software within the last 90 days or who have an active Annual Maintenance Agreement are entitled to upgrade to the latest version free of charge. Customers who wish to upgrade to Formatter with support for both XSL and CSS will be required to pay the difference in cost.

Formatter customers who do not have an active Annual Maintenance Agreement can either:

1. Purchase an Annual Maintenance Agreement retroactive to the end of their previous agreement or the end of their 90 day warranty period.
2. Purchase a one-time upgrade for 50% of the list price of Formatter V6. Please note that the one-time upgrade purchase prohibits customers from purchasing future maintenance. Future upgrades will continue to cost 50% of the software purchase price.

Upgrading from Formatter Lite to Standard Version or Standalone to Server License

The cost to upgrade from Lite to Standard or Standalone to Server depends on length of time between the original purchase and the upgrade request:

  • Customers upgrading within 6 months of the original purchase will receive 100% credit of the original license price and pay the difference between the two licenses.
  • After 6 months to 2 years, customers will receive 50% credit of the original license price.
  • After 2 years, customers must buy a new license.



Server – Lite to Standard Version Upgrade

Standalone – Lite to Standard Version Upgrade

Within 6 Months



6 Months – 2 Years



After 2 Years





Standard - Standalone to Server License Upgrade

Lite - Standalone to Server License Upgrade

Within 6 Months



6 Months – 2 Years



After 2 Years




Before Upgrading

  • Customers with a current Annual Maintenance Agreement may upgrade to the latest version for free. For upgrade requests, contact sales@antennahouse.com
  • If the customer's maintenance has expired, they will receive a quote for the upgrade.
  • The evaluation version and the licensed product version for Formatter are the same except for the watermark and URL at the bottom of the generated pages. Antenna House recommends that customers use the evaluation version for testing purposes only.
  • For testing purposes, customers are allowed to have the latest and current version of Formatter installed on the same machine.