Antenna House announces the release of Formatter 7.1.
New Features
- Languages:
- *Support for Armenian and Georgian ☞ Scripts and Languages
- XSL-FO Formatting Features:
- Now able to specify multiple values for axf:overflow-condense / CSS -ah-overflow-condense
- Now able to specify the lower limit value when axf:overflow-condense="line-height" is specified. ☞ axf:overflow-condense-limit-line-height / CSS -ah-overflow-condense-limit-line-height
- Now able to specify the lower limit value when axf:overflow-condense="letter-spacing" is specified. ☞ axf:overflow-condense-limit-letter-spacing / CSS -ah-overflow-condense-limit-letter-spacing
- Now able to specify whether to set text-align-last="justify" automatically after condensing the overflow. ☞ axf:condensed-text-align-last / CSS -ah-condensed-text-align-last
- Page numbers can now be specified with axf:float-move / CSS -ah-float-move RT#23100
- The value of axf:float-x / CSS -ah-float-x has been extended RT#16994
- *Now able to specify the adjustment when the block in <fo:inline-container> overflows. ☞ axf:inline-overflow-align / CSS -ah-inline-overflow-align
- *Now able to specify whether to intrude the inline element into the punctuation. ☞ axf:intrude-into-punctuation / CSS -ah-intrude-into-punctuation
- *The upper limit width of the keep-together.within-line condition can now be specified. ☞ axf:keep-together-within-inline-dimension / CSS -ah-keep-together-within-inline-dimension RT#19624
- The value of axf:footnote-keep / CSS -ah-footnote-keep has been extended RT#10957
- The number of rows of fo:table to read ahead to determine the width of column can now be specified when table-layout="auto" is specified. ☞ axf:table-auto-layout-limit / CSS (-ah-)table-auto-layout-limit
- *Now able to specify the maximum number of fo:table-row in fo:marker referenced from fo:retrieve-table-marker. ☞ axf:retrieve-table-rows RT#22690
- *The value of axf:suppress-if-first-on-page / CSS -ah-suppress-if-first-on-page has been extended
- *axf:suppress-duplicate-marker-contents is now effective even when <fo:retrieve-marker> references a different <fo:marker> RT#22044
- *Now able to specify whether to add line numbers except for continued lines. ☞ axf:line-number-except-continued-line / CSS -ah-line-number-except-continued-line
- Now able to specify in the block element whether to include the last punctuation mark and count them in one character when axf:avoid-widow-word="true" is specified in CJK. ☞ axf:avoid-widow-words-cjk-punctuation / CSS -ah-avoid-widow-words-cjk-punctuation
- The value of axf:word-break / CSS (-ah-)word-break has been extended
- *Now able to change the handling of quotation marks with quotationmark in the Options Setting File, and also able to specify the direction of quotation marks with axf:quotetype
- *Now able to specify whether to report overflow errors in the Options Setting File. ☞ error-if-overflow
- CSS Formatting Features:
- *ICC profiles can now be specified in HTML ☞ <meta name="color-profile"> RT#20350
- *Now able to specify the contents to be displayed in the split cell even with CSS. ☞ CSS running(table-cell-repeated-marker) RT#22644
- CSS var() function can now be specified RT#14471
- The function for referencing the width/height of the image such as <img> has been extended. ☞ CSS -ah-attr-img()
- Now able to specify whether to apply the default CSS for HTML (html.css) even for XML+CSS. ☞ apply-default-html-css-to-XML RT#25484
- *Now able to specify the annotation creation date and modification date. ☞ axf:annotation-createdate / CSS -ah-annotation-createdate, axf:annotation-modifydate / CSS -ah-annotation-modifydate RT#20350
- Font
- Now able to specify whether to report the error when italic or small-caps are emulated in the selected font. ☞ emulated-italic, emulated-small-caps
- Image
- Arbitrary parameters can now be specified when converting EPS to PDF using Ghostscript. ☞ gs-options
- MathML
- Now able to specify spaces above and below <msline> in MathML ☞ msline
Over , mslineGap Under Gap
- Now able to specify spaces above and below <msline> in MathML ☞ msline
- Output Option
- Aztec Code can now be specified in the Barcode Generator Option RT#12760
- Now able to specify whether to display the WYSIWYG window as multiple pages
- Automated Analysis
FO – The following issues have been corrected:
- Absolutely positioned element in the container with width="auto" didn't match the container's width RT#25474
CSS – The following issues have been corrected:
- Request for CSS ability to avoid page break after float RT#23808
- Crash due to incorrect footnote processing RT#25964
- Running element was not shown in a margin area RT#23232
- display: run-in; collapsed the space after the first child RT#25948
- -ah-overprint extension property not working RT#25784
- Error while embedding valid PDF RT#25830
- axf:table-summary was not added if fo:table-and-caption didn't have fo:table-caption RT#25939
- Image in the table cell was not scaled ☞ Changes from AH Formatter V7.0 RT#25403
- padding, margin, and border settings prevented SVG CSS styling RT#21940
- DOCX output a missing space above in region-before area when document was only one page with Word Output Option RT#25691
*Not available for Lite Version of AH Formatter