FO - The following issues have been corrected:
- Continued footnote body skipped a page. RT#30389
- Incorrect column break position in nested columns.
- Incorrect line break position with white-space-treatment="preserve" and axf:word-wrap="normal".
CSS - The following issues have been corrected:
- hyphenation-keep-mode="word" did not work. RT#30571
- Corrupt footnotes. RT#30547
- break-after: avoid did not work. RT#30461
- Extra line break occurred. RT#30460
- Crash with supplied document. RT#30589
- Stuck in a loop generating extra pages. RT#30390
- BIDI parenthesis problem with Latin text inline. RT#30530
- Failed to output PDF with importing PDF error. RT#30444
- Incorrect form position in embedded PDF. RT#30517
- Tagged PDF was incorrectly tagged. RT#30531
- Incorrect processing of axf:pdftag. RT#30581
- veraPDF PDF/UA-1 CIDSet validation failure. RT#30592
- Text alignment problem with 'Adobe Garamond Pro' font. RT#30341
- Slow rendering with 'Minion 3' font. RT#30392
- font-face specified font rendered incorrectly in PDF. RT#30341
- GIF could not be included in PDF. RT#30518
- GIF palette error with Linux version. RT#30404
- SSL_CERT_DIR didn't work. RT#30385