FO Revisions:
- Float overflowed with integer keep-with-next. RT#28219
- Incorrect page break when list-block was a child of a block with axf:keep-together-within-dimension specified. RT#28610
- Change bar did not work after the nested page sequence. RT#28621
- Images were not being positioned correctly. RT#28449
- Contents following the float overflowed. RT#28693
CSS Revisions:
- Rotated table overflowed. RT#28409
- Row span cell with page break and vertical writing had incorrect alignment. RT#28306
- Row span cell with page break and vertical writing had incorrect width. RT#28297
- Premature page break with -ah-keep-together-within-dimension. RT#28359
- Cell borders disappeared when using diagonal borders in a table. RT#28496
- Corrupt PDF output. RT#28408
- Invalid rendering with style="max-width:100%" for <svg>. RT#28557
- Markers were drawn incorrectly in SVG. RT#28312
- Incorrect font size in nested tspan in SVG. RT#28304