- Premature page break and overflow with multi-line rotated container in a table cell. RT#32162
- List number was pushed on the next baseline grid. RT#32211
- axf:initial-letters overflowed. RT#32249
- When BPIL was applied to a statement with text-align="justify", the width between strings was incorrect.
- Crash if float was defined before block with axf:initial-letters. RT#32249
- Incorrect page number reference in repeated table footer. RT#32196
- Table with automatic layout and the width set to auto overflowed if column width is specified as a percentage. RT#32071
- Extra space was generated after the column float. RT#32181
- Flexbox had incorrect column width. RT#32059
- Incorrect footnote numbering. RT#32171
- Incorrect footnote numbering. RT#32143
- font-family:inherit did not work for math elements. RT#32160
- SYSTEM ERROR: oldChild is not a child of this node. RT#32193
- AcroForm in embedded PDF did not work if other embedded PDF has AcroForm with empty fields. RT#32169
- Font read error with 'DFPHei Std' font. RT#32172
- Missing linearGradient in SVG. RT#32237
- Overline used the wrong stroke color. RT#32175
- mtable columnspacing="" crash with MathML. RT#32209
- The way to search for hyphenation dictionary files was incorrect.
- Area tree rendering got stuck. RT#32179