The following issues have been corrected:
Conversion from Word (DOCX)
- AutoNum field was not supported
- Gutter in the "Mirrored" margin setting for facing pages was not supported
- Line spacing was narrowed by the font size when setting the paragraph line space as multiple
- Text of the transparent part of the image was not wrapped around correctly
- Only the character strings in the text box were outputted to the bookmark
- Image in the cell was not displayed
- "numbering" was incorrect by the setting of the -docpagenumbercorrection
parameter related to the TOC setting - Converted PDF was corrupted by the incorrect hanging process of
the punctuation marks - Operation did not complete correctly when converting to PDF
Conversion from Word (DOC)
- Processing did not complete when converting to PDF
- Processing stopped when converting to PDF
- Converted PDF did not open due to an error
- Table did not display correctly
Conversion from Excel
- Text in the cell was invisible
- Conversion failed since the value that cannot be specified (0%) is set to the scale ratio in the file
Conversion from Excel (XLSX)
Conversion from Excel (XLS)
- Automatic background color was specified to the text in the text box and it was adjusted so that the text output in white is to be outputted in black
-Shape with "Print object" turned off in the "Format shape" was outputted
-Processing ended without correct conversion when converting to PDF
Conversion from PDF
- Vertical writing font information did not output correctly
- Horizontal writing text was misidentified as vertical writing when outputting to SVG