Conversion from Word (DOCX)
Some of the borders specified in the table design were not displayedcorrectly.
Border between cells was sometimes doubly output and not displayedcorrectly.
The "Repeat as header row at the top of each page" setting was not
When setting the "Repeat as header row at the top of each page", the
Text wrapping after the tab space was not displayed correctly.
Conversion from Word (DOC)
Conversion from Excel (XLSX)
The cell address displayed in the Unsupported message in the Note was
Strings were not imported in files created in other companies'
Conversion from Excel
- When setting the row and column headings printing, the row and column
headings were not displayed correctly.
Conversion from MS - Office
- Size of the text box inside the shape was not correct.
Conversion from MS - Office (OOX)
- Added error message for files encrypted for access restrictions due
to rights issues.
Conversion from RTF