Conversion from Word (DOCX)
- Page break position in cells in the table was incorrect.
- Cell that crossed pages was line-broken.
- Cell position after the page break was incorrect.
- Due to the invalid position of the shape, the text box and the image
were overlapped. - Position of the shape inside the header was incorrect.
- Fixed the SHAPE position in the layout frame in header/footer.
- Fixed the table of contents so that the invalid outline level could
not to be output as bookmarks. - Underline of the European font was not displayed. RT#31432
- Invalid border was displayed.
- Margin settings of the table style was not reflected correctly.
- Complex script formatting was not reflected.
Conversion from Word (DOC)
- Values in the list were not converted correctly.
- Ruby was not displayed correctly.
- Multiple pages were displayed on top of each other.
- Fixed the height of the wavy and double wavy underline.
Conversion from Excel (XLSX)
- Conversion stopped when a GroupShape contained a diagram.
Processing time took longer when long strings were specified.
Illustrations and shapes were drawn in the wrong order.
- Strings could not be imported in files created with other company's
Conversion from Excel
- Added the A1 and A2 paper sizes to the Excel's paper setting.
- Number of output pages was incorrect when selecting the "Center Across Selection" in the horizontal text alignment.
Conversion from MS - Office
- Image was output as a blank page.
- Image was not displayed when the rectangle clipping path is larger
than the paper. - Color of the Type3 font was not converted correctly.