XSL-FO Reference Guide by Manfred Krüger Free Download


XSL-FO Reference Guide

including the Antenna House Extensions

Current status: AH XSL Formatter V7.4 by Manfred Krüger
MID/Information Logistics – Antenna House Partner

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XSL-FO Reference Guide

XML-structured documents can be processed automatically using XSL-FO technology to create sophisticated print layouts and functional digital publications and documentation. This book provides a complete English-language reference, including all standard-compliant extensions from Antenna House XSL Formatter V7.4, the world market leader for professional XSL-FO systems. Each standard construct is described in its function and is provided with information on its use (attributes, parent or child elements, AXF extensions). This reference guide provides comprehensive and precise information on the development of XSL stylesheets for typographical sophisticated sentence processing, especially for scientific content of all kinds and multilingual publications in all world languages.

About the Author

author-image Manfred Krüger has over 25 years of experience with XML-based, automated sentence systems for processing structured documents. For more than 10 years, he has been working with XSL-FO for the production of publications and technical documentation in many industrial sectors.