The XSL-FO Reference




The XSL-FO Reference

Comprehensive reference of all elements and properties with explanations and practical examples.

by Manuel Montero-Pineda / Steffen Herkert

data2type GmbH – Antenna House Partner

Available here: Website


XSL-FO is still THE language for page layout and page break of print and PDF products. XSL-FO: The Reference, with its 3588 pages in German is by far the most comprehensive reference work on the market. It addresses experienced XSL-FO users as well as beginners. With the help of the numerous code and output examples, solutions for many layout problems can be found.

What is included?

  • Each element (object) and attribute (property) comes with a code example and a detailed description, each value with a description
  • Information on renderer support and occurrence
  • Excerpts from the W3C Recommendation
  • All XSL-FO functions
  • All current Antenna House Formatter XSL Extensions and Compart XSL extensions with explanations and examples

How is it different from other references?

  • This reference is complete: all objects, properties, values and functions are explained
  • This reference is interactive: all objects, properties, values and functions are linked, as well as all code examples
  • This reference is very descriptive because of the many code and output examples
  • This reference is comparative: features of selected renderers are compared

What is planned?

  • English version of the reference
  • Version for CSS3

About the Author(s)

manuel_montero_pineda Manuel Montero Pineda is the managing director of data2type GmbH, who has actively participated in XML programming since 2005. He has published various books around XML. Here is a list of his publications. steffen_herkert Steffen Herkert is an XML developer and consultant at data2type GmbH, who has been working with XML programming since 2005. Since 2005, he has been working on all relevant XML technologies such as XSLT, XProc, XSL-FO, WordML, etc.