OSDC Case Study: Yonder




Office Server Document Converter V9.0

License Type

Linux 64bit Server License Docx2HTML

Operation start date

August 2022


About Yonder

yonderYonder is a documentation solution provider with its roots in the aviation industry, but now serving a wide range of B2B / enterprise customers. With our Software-as-a-Service product, we help companies stay in control of their content and bring reliable, role-specific information to frontline employees.

Yonder leverages the full potential of digitization by offering its customers a solution built around dynamic content rather than static documents, creating a modern, user-centric experience. As well as providing intelligent solutions for operations manuals, guidelines, regulations, and standards.

Converting from Microsoft Word to XHTML

Yonder’s customers have their source document data in different formats, among others in Microsoft Word. Yonder is using the OSDC component to convert Microsoft Word documents to XHTML. Yonder has built a Word Importer with which its customers can import their Word documents directly into Yonder without any external tools. This one-time importer is using the OSDC Microsoft Word to XHTML converter.
The result is a modularized XHTML document, stored and accessible in the Yonder web application for further use, covering a full life cycle management, such as creating new revisions for required changes. The imported document is also available in the Yonder Offline Reader apps (iOS, Android, and Windows).
A typical example for documents to be imported are internal operations manuals at airlines, such as an Operations Manual Part A (OM A).
Using OSDC with the setup described above has significantly sped up the processing time of importing documents, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and productivity.